Sunday, January 2, 2011

365 Days of the Good Life - Day 1

So I've decided to delete every single post that had previously been on this blog because they were ALL negative.  I was definitely in a bad spot in 08/09 and I had to take a deep look at myself and realize that if I didn't do something about it, I had stayed that way quite a bit longer than I wanted.  As well as I had a conversation with a new friend over the Christmas holidays about my possible new years resolution.  Rather than doing the typical "I should lose weight" set-up that always fails, I decided I needed to work on other aspects of myself than just the outside (I do intend to work on that too but I feel like maybe NOT making that my resolution will mean it has a better chance of succeeding!).  Well after seeing this on a friend's blog, I've decided that I really need to focus on the more positive aspects of my life and stop being so cynical about myself and my life.  Because of this, I've decided that I will talk about 3 positive things about my life (or simply my day) for each day of the year.  I just really need to focus on bettering myself and then maybe good things will follow.

So here we go...
Day 1:
1.  I have a great full-time job with students who I love no matter how crazy their essays make me.
2.  I just went to London for 2 weeks on my own and discovered that I absolutely LOVE traveling on my own and meeting up with people once there.
3.  Cold days in Texas that actually feel like winter make me smile.  I love sitting near a window in an over-sized sweatshirt, drinking some tea, just enjoying the day.  


Anonymous said...

365 days lovelier than before: may i borrow this great motto for our 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend?! and besides, great post! YES to being positive!